By   Publisher  Xulon Press

ISBN  1498431380

ANSI  1498431380

Published in   Non Fiction, Religion Spirituality, Teen Young Adult,


There are very few people in our world today that don’t know what season we’re in. We’re living in the last Days before Jesus “ascend from heaven with a shout.”
The Bible teaches us that when all the Gospel have been preached to all the nations, he will return for a remnant of people who have made themselves ready for His return.
Jesus will is that none should perish, but as many as will believe on His name, shall live with Him forever.
There will be people walking around heaven that you would have thought would not have made it in. They will be the ones who for whatever reason found it hard to have the faith that it takes to endure trials, tribulations and tests. Some of them believed, but had no foundation. Still others believed but when touched by the enemy in certain areas, wavered and was told they needed to be “born again,” or they were unable to endure persecution, and they temporarily left God. Others have known very little about Him and the things of this world became more appealing than seeking God, and there will also be those who have rejected Him, for reasons that only they know of.God will bring in all who receive Him. He will rebuild the desolate City with those who have been rejected, persecuted, despitefully used, and “castaway.”
He is no longer angry, but merciful, compassionate, long-suffering, forbearing, patient, graceful, faithful, loving, kind, and forgiving. He loves the world so much, that He waits for the latter rain: those who will be drawn in by Father God. The Bible also teaches us, “Judgment must first began, in the house of God.” God has a fold that is sealed, but must endure to the end. He has other sheep also that he will bring, that’s not of that fold. He’s married to the backslider.

What is the Tag Line for your book? (A short description of your book in a sentence or two)

God's grace and mercy on even the worst sinner is displayed in my book. Scriptural references, and Testimonies of a God that desires to use our past for His Glory. No matter how far one has been down; no matter what offense we may have committed, God is always willing to forgive and bring as many as will come to Him, into the kingdom of God and save them from a life of destruction. The author tells of His disobedience to his parents and God, and how it lead to his many incarceration and other institutions; How God delivered him from two deaths and three deadly diseases. Cancer, liver disease and gallbladder disease had claimed the life of the author,and God delivered him from them all in one amazing setting. Today Brother Calvin Allen is an author, a counselor, a preacher and teacher of the Word of God. Through God's forgiveness, mercy and grace, he's able to minister to millions and counsel the chemically dependent towards a new life in Christ.

Do you write full time or part time

I have begun my next manuscript entitled: "Are You Rapture Ready." I write only as God leads me. I am persistent in completing whatsoever He gives me to do.

How do you structure your day when you write

I'm up around 2 or 3 oclock each morning, when my home is silent. I write at these times as many as 300 to 400 words. I only stop when the Spirit has finished furnishing me with God's Words.

Why do you write? (Example; For fun, to make extra money, a personal experience you want to share with the public)

I write Christian non-fictions because it is my calling: To minister to the world comfort, peace and proclaim God's longing to save as many as will believe on His name.

What are you working on right now / or your most recent work

I'm in the middle of a 300 page Christian Non-fiction that I've set no time limit to finish.

What inspired you to create this book

One morning after awaking out of my sleep, I had a strong urge to tell my story. Then, when I got up from my bed, checked my email, there was an email from a Christian Publishing Com...Xulon Press, inviting me to write a book. For years before all this, I kept getting the urge to write a book, but had no ideal how to go about it. The consultant was very encouraging and assured me that I would have all the help from the company that I needed, so I began writing, and produced my first book.

What genre do you write in and why did you choose it

Spirituality Non-fiction

How much research did you do on your book? (If it applies)

I spent days and many long hours researching and reading articles from other authors.

How do you think you have evolved creatively from when you first started writing until now

I believe I've learned a lot and there's still a massage amount of information to grasp and marketing is one of my main focus.

What was the hardest thing about writing this book for you

Finding the time and editing was the hardest thing that I found in writing my book.

What was the most rewarding

The most rewarding thing was when my first manuscript was approved for pre-publication.

If you had to start over, is there anything you would do different

Yes, I now pay more attention to grammar, and editing.

How have you evolved from when you first started writing until now

I am now a published author who look for every opportunity to improve my writing skills and new ways to market my book.

Are you a planner type person, or do you prefer to dive right in when you write

I write when led to: I get a strong urge in my Spirit and a scheme to jot down and usually I end up writing more than I would have thought I could come up with at the time.

How much dialogue do you have with your readers

I communicate with most of my readers through social media.

Do they influence your writing

I'm always looking to make sure my readers get what they need in reading my book.

Do you recommend being a part of a support groups to help you with your writing


Was there anyone in your past that you think influenced your writing

Yes, my mother.

Do you have any tips or useful resources on marketing


About the Author

Calvin Allen

My book "And Other Sheep I Have Which Are Not Of This Fold; Them I Must Bring Also," is a book of the author's testimonies of God's saving grace and mercy. The author, Brother Calvin Allen discloses how God brought him back from death twice, after pursuing a lifestyle of destruction with the use of chemicals, and God's plan to save the "Outcasts" of our generation. It is a must read book that will bring life to even the worst sinner; a carefully and Spiritually edifying book that speaks clearly of God's love and devotion to All His children, but especially the SINNER. God loves the sinner so much that He gave His life to give them eternal life, and a life filled with joy, peace, and prosperity while here on earth. This book has received top reviews from people who makes it their business to rate books as they see them. You are encouraged to download a copy of the kindle version, the nook or the paperback from the following online bookstore websites:,,,,