About Us


Welcome to The Book Review website

The Book Review is a place where authors are interviewed about themselves
and their books, to help consumers and industry influencers discover books
they may otherwise never find.We are a little different from most sites.
Other book sites have the author post a picture of themselves, their book,
maybe a biography and post a sample chapter of their book. This is great,
but we feel that people want to know more, not only about the book they are
interested in, but especially about the author. This is why we have a series
of questions that the author answers, so to help readers get a deeper in-depth
look at how the author’s book was created. Example; what inspires them, their
writing style, how often do they write, did they have an editor, etc.


We feel that getting to know the author better, helps the reader understand their books better.

Signing up is completely FREE.

When you sign up you get an Author/Book page that includes the following:


  • Your book featured on our homepage for a month.
  • A profile page with your picture and personal biography.
  • A synopsis of your book.
  • A ‘Buy Now’ button linked to your book on Amazon so that people can buy a copy right away.
  • A author interview so that readers can learn more about you and your book.
  • Links to Social Media sites so you can promote your book and author profile page.
  • A unique URL that goes directly to your Author/Book page to share on other social media sites.


Writing a book these days is like having a website.
You can have the best website on the Internet,
but if no one can find it, then all that hard work goes unseen.