The Education System is Broken

The Education System is Broken

By   Publisher  Rowman and Littlefield

ISBN  9781475827392


Published in   Business Management, Non Fiction, Professional Technical,


The Education System is Broken: Strategies to Rebuilding Hope, Lives and Futures looks at our educational system as it currently works and evaluates not only why this system is broken, but also how we might move forward together to fix it. So, how do we fix out failing schools? We begin by finally taking the educator out from behind the desk and bringing them to the table to share in the decisions and solutions regarding what is happening in our schools. It is time to part the curtains on our public school system and show you the villains, the heroes, the talented and the not-so-talented. It is time to give you a behind the scents view of our educational stage.

What is the Tag Line for your book? (A short description of your book in a sentence or two)

A book about education written by an educator. An expose as to what is really happening in our schools today AND how we can all work together to fix them.

Do you write full time or part time

part time

How do you structure your day when you write

I would close myself off with just my computer and just write.

Why do you write? (Example; For fun, to make extra money, a personal experience you want to share with the public)

I am a PROUD educator full of passion regarding this topic. I know, as a thirty year educator that we HAVE to do better for our children. I know that we are losing great educators each and every day. I know that we must be honest, really honest, about what is happening in our schools. We must have the tough conversations. We must move from what we "have always done" to what is RIGHT. I know that we can, together, make a difference and I refuse to be one more educator leaving our field feeling helpless and lost as if there is nothing that can be done. I am committed to making a difference in the lives of our educators, our administrators and most importantly, our children.

What are you working on right now / or your most recent work

I am continuing to work with colleges. I intend to get my book as required reads in their schools of education. I also work with schools to provide meaningful professional development to their teachers. I finally work with companies to provide meaning professional development to their business.

What inspired you to create this book

My career. I have lived the experiences that I wrote about in my book. I either experienced it first hand or watched my fellow colleagues experience it. I was in utter shock as to what is really going on in our schools. I thought to myself so many times, "if the public knew this stuff, really knew this stuff, there would be outrage." I decided that I could either do as so many others have done before me and go quietly into my retirement or I could get into action. I decided the latter. I decided that I simply could not just say nothing or do nothing. I decided that I HAD to get into action. I had never written a book nor had any aspiration to do so but I knew that what I was writing MUST be said/read and I knew that I had what it took to do so. And, as they say, the rest is history.

What genre do you write in and why did you choose it

This is a book about our education system.

How much research did you do on your book? (If it applies)

My entire life and career. Thirty years.

How do you think you have evolved creatively from when you first started writing until now

I am not sure that I have a good response to this. I think that I was always meant to write this and that there is nothing that has changed in who I am and how I wrote it or would have written it to now.

What was the hardest thing about writing this book for you

Oh this question is easy. I knew when I had this book published that I was going to light the bridge that was once my career on fire. I knew that there would be many educators very upset with me for writing this book. I was and still am saddened by the colleagues that are very upset and have distanced themselves from me. I knew then and I know now that to write about this topic is taboo, It is like talking about your family. You can say whatever you want to say about your family but no one else can. Education is the same way. We, in education, are very accustomed to being attacked through the media and in print. But, it is NOT ok for "one of their own" to levy a perceived attack. It does not matter what solutions are offered in the book (and there are many) it only matter that those are "our dirty little secrets" and I have no right putting them out there.

What was the most rewarding

What is rewarding is knowing that this book is causing the necessary conversations. We have to have them. We, as a society, cannot keep sticking our heads in the sand and pretend that it is going to get better. We cannot keep going the way that we are going. Look at our test scores. Look at our graduation rates. Look at our schools. We HAVE to do something different. So, if this book does nothing else but start those tough and necessary conversations then I am so rewarded.

If you had to start over, is there anything you would do different

No. No regrets. Regrets are a waste of time and emotion. The book happened just the way it was supposed to happen when it was supposed to happen.

How have you evolved from when you first started writing until now

I guess somewhat. I am for sure getting tougher skinned.

Are you a planner type person, or do you prefer to dive right in when you write

Dive right in.

How much dialogue do you have with your readers

Not too much.

Do they influence your writing


Do you recommend being a part of a support groups to help you with your writing

I would have liked to. I am not sure I knew what that was at the time that I started writing like I do now.

Do you work with an editor If so, how much input do they have

Yes. It is like a partnership.

Was there anyone in your past that you think influenced your writing

Each and every educator that I had the honor of working with shoulder to shoulder.

Do you have any tips or useful resources on marketing

Not too many. The publisher has taken care of much of that.

How are you publishing this book? (Indie / self-published, traditional)

I was signed with Rowman and Littlefield.

What are your thoughts on book series

Not sure I have regards to my book.

How long do you think a book should be? (Pages or words)

That is completely dependent on the type of book. As long as necessary to convey your thought.

Do you have a strategy for finding reviewers

No, wish I did.

What advice would you give to your younger self today

Be exactly who you were born to be. No apologizes, no regrets...just drive and intention.

What is your favorite book or film

There are far too many to list.

If you don’t already have one, do you have plans to have a book trailer and what are your thoughts on them overall

I don't have one and I really don't know what one is.

What are you working on next

Building my company, Tools for Success. https://www.cathytooley.conm

When you get frustrated, how do you deal with it

I take time, be with that frustration, establish where the frustration is coming from then get into action and let it go.

What advice would you give a writer that is just starting out

Believe in yourself. Regardless of what you think, or what others tell you to think, KNOW who you are and trust in that.

About the Author

Cathy S. Tooley

Cathy S. Tooley is the President and CEO of Tools for Success. Cathy is an Author/Consultant/Trainer focusing on academic and professional trainings. She utilizes her strategies to learn and grow individuals, companies and schools. Additionally, the business offers an opportunity to hire an outstanding presenter and an exciting speaker to motivate, to educate, and to inspire any audience. Cathy Tooley is a dynamic presenter, an intuitive educator, and collaborative consultant,who knows how to deliver innovative content. Her consultations and presentations on a variety of topics impart practical information, humor and immediate results. Her presentations allow both individuals and companies to learn from themselves and from each other to maximize their results. Cathy Tooley at her core is an educator. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from Marian College (now University) and her Master’s degree from Indiana University Purdue University in Indianapolis.Cathy began her educational journey by teaching high school Spanish.Cathy has,in her thirty years in education, experience from the perspective of the teacher’s desk to the perspective of the principal’s chair. She is proud of all of the many “hats” she has worn throughout her career in education. Cathy looks forward to sharing her Tools for Success with her audiences. She looks forward to the opportunity to share her life experiences, life lessons and“tools”to life with you today